Protection of intellectual property and trade secrets

Businesses often make huge investments (financial and human resources) in innovation. This might involve a search for new aesthetic forms of their products (industrial design), technical improvements (patents, industrial models, industrial secrets and know-how) or new marketing initiatives (trademarks and distinctive signs, packaging, advertising campaigns, etc.). However, these investments may all be in vain if a business fails to introduce a suitable policy for the protection of industrial property and trade secrets.

We help our clients to define and protect their intellectual property rights from the very start, by providing advice and strategic assistance, formulating opinions on specific situations and assisting clients in drafting the relevant contracts (licences), as well as initiating legal proceedings where so required.

  • Acquisition/transfer of technology (between businesses, or between businesses and research institutes)
  • Licences (regarding patents, trademarks, models, etc.)
  • Research & Development contracts
  • New product design and development contracts
  • Non-disclosure and trade secret agreements
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